Call for Papers

67th AWR International Migration Conference (Online)
9/10th February 2022
Online at Friedensau Adventist University (ThHF) in cooperation with
Technical University of Nuremberg Georg-Simon-Ohm,
Department of Political Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome
and University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS)
Global Migration:
Trans-cultural, Trans-disciplinary and
Intersectional Perspectives
Chair: Prof. Dr. Simone Emmert, LL.M.Eur. (TH Nürnberg / ThHF, Friedensau, Germany)
Co-chair: Prof. Dr. Luigino Manca (La Sapienza, Rome, Italy)
Prof. Dr. Ralf Roßkopf (GJU, Jordan / FHWS, Germany)
The 2022 Conference “Global Migration” aims to cover current topics of migration from a trans-cultural, trans-disciplinary and intersectional perspective.
The term transcultural can be seen as “one of the most important and widely discussed conceptual keywords in the humanities and social sciences of recent years” and refers to the term transculturación by Fernando Ortiz in 1940 (König/Rakow, University of Heidelberg). The aim was to find a term that includes a dynamic concept of culture allowing a new cultural synthesis.
The transdisciplinary perspective invites researchers and practitioners from “different disciplines working jointly to create new conceptual, theoretical, methodological, and translational innovations that integrate and move beyond discipline-specific approaches to address a common problem” (Harvard University).
The intersectional perspective has originally been introduced by the black female lawyer Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989. According to the concept people have a different experience of discrimination depending on their individual overlapping identities, such as being a woman, a person of colour, a person of age, etc.
The Association has its origins in the Association for the Study of the European Refugee Problem (AER), founded in 1950, and in 1961 merged with the Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problem (AWR), founded in 1954. As the first international research association in the field of forced migration, it is based on its international and interdisciplinary network and offers a platform for dialogue for scientists and practitioners.
Although the language of presentation is English, the conference aims to bring together researchers from around the globe to discuss in different panels upcoming fields of interests related to migration.
1 Conference topics
Contributions should cover one of the following topics from their trans-cultural, trans-disciplinary or intersectional perspective:
- Methodology and new approaches in trans-cultural, trans-disciplinary and intersectional migration research
- Rights, norms, ethics and migration
- Gender/sexuality and migration
- Religion and migration
- Multilingualism and migration
- Education and migration
- Disability and migration
- Age and migration
- Culture/origin/race/ethnicity/colour and migration
- Climate and migration
Contributions addressing cross-cutting topics of public health (incl. Covid-19), effects on the social welfare state and taxation as well as organized crime within the mentioned topics are welcome.
2 Call for paper, panel or workshop proposal
You can submit either an individual paper, panel or workshop proposal (all sessions, framing several related contributions will be assigned 90 minutes each) for a single-blind review:
- Categories of proposals:
- single paper proposal online form (each paper: 20 min., plus 10 min. discussion)
- panel proposal online form (each panel: 90 min. incl. discussion)
- workshop proposal online form (each workshop: 90 min.)
- Your proposal submission needs to contain:
- Names and email addresses of the presenters or primary organizer and the co-organizer (if available, we prefer two presenters or organizers in case of unforeseen circumstances);
- The proposed title of the paper, panel or workshop proposal;
- The matching conference topics;
- A 500-word abstract of your paper for the conference programme.
- Submission deadline for proposal: 31st October 2021, 23:59 CET.
- E-Mail for submission:
- Single-blind review
- Acceptance/rejection letters: until 30th November 2021
- Submission deadline for presentation: 1st February 2022, 23:59 CET.
- Submission deadline for paper: 31st March 2022, 23:59 CET.
- Papers need to meet the template and style guidelines to be accepted.
- Papers shall be between 10-20 pages.
- Only papers meeting the deadline will be accepted.
3 Conference Working Sessions
Single papers, panels and workshops will be grouped together thematically throughout the conference program in working sessions.
4 Publication
All accepted and submitted papers are supposed to be published in a peer-reviewed medium, either in the Treatises on Migration and Refugee Problems or the relaunched AWR Bulletin – Quarterly on Refugee Problems.
5 Conference Fees
- Regular: 80 EURO
- AWR Members: 40 EURO
- Global South: FREE
- Students: FREE
6 Scientific Committee
- Prof. Dr. Markus Babo, Catholic University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Raffaele Cadin, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Dr. Andrea Crescenzi, National Research Council, Italy
- Prof. Dr. Simone Emmert, LL.M.Eur., Friedensau Adventist University/Technical University of Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm Germany
- Prof. Dr. Barbara Franz, Rider University, U.S.A.
- Dr. Reká Friedery, Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary
- MMag. Iris Gachowetz, Federal Administrative Court, Austria
- Prof. Dr. Christine Hildebrandt, German Jordanian University, Jordan
- Prof. Dr. Jens Löcher, Hessian University of Police and Administration, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Uzoma Okoye, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria
- Prof. Dr. Luigino Manca, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Prof. Dr. Hannah Reich, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Ralf Roßkopf, German Jordanian University, Jordan / University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Andrzej Sakson, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
- Prof. Dr. Sibylle Wollenschläger, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany
7 Registration
Through the homepage